02 April 2008

Election (1999)

How can something that seemed so true turn out to be such a lie?

Who cares about this stupid election?
We all know it doesn't matter who gets elected president.
Do you really think it's going to change anything?
Will it make one single person smarter, happier or nicer?
The only person it matters to is the one who gets elected.
The same pathetic charade happeneds every year.

Who knew how far she'd go in life,
how many people will suffer because of her?
I realized I wasn't angry at her anymore. I just felf sorry for her.

27 March 2008


When there is war two things remember: shoes, then food, because who has shoes, finds food.

You who live secure in your warm hourse, who return at evening to find hot food and friendly faces, consider if this is a man who labors in the mud, who knows no peace, who fights for a crust of bread, who dies at a yes or no.

Meditate that this took place.

Gone Baby Gone (2007)

I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are.

Your city.
Your neighborhood.
Your family.

People here take pride in these things.
Like it was something they'd accomplished.
The bodies around their souls.
The cities wrapped around those.

Love Film(1970)

Love is only half of our happiness; the other half is what we do.

the son's room(2001)

After the treatment, I don't feel well. But I'm calm. Besides, it depends on our attitude in relation to illness. You mustn't give in, Right?
They often say that... the patient's psychological attitude is fundamental in curing illness. Don't you agree with that?

I don't agree.
Serious illness can be cured even if you're passive.
Even if you don't want to live.
But if it has to end badly, it'll end badly.
Even if the patient responds well and tries to fight back.
Even if the patient desperately wants to live.
That's what I think.

Here we are
Stuck by this river,
You and I
Underneath a sky that's ever falling down, down, down
Ever falling down.

Through the day
As if on an ocean
Waiting here,
Always failing to remember why we came, came, came:
I wonder why we came.

You talk to me
as if from a distance
And I reply
With impressions chosen from another time, time, time,
From another time.

08 March 2008

Fahrenheit 9/11

I've always been amazed that the very people forced to live in the worst parts of town, go to the worst schools, and who have it the hardest are always the first to step up, to defend us.

They serve so that we don't have to. They offer to give up their lives so that we can be free. It is remarkably their gift to us.

And all they ask for in return is that we never send them into harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary. Will they ever trust us again?

It's not a matter of whether the war is not real, or if it is, Victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact.---George Orwell

29 January 2008

I Am

How you spend your minutes are what matters
無論如何 請善用你的時間
All tomorrows come from yesterdays
When you're feeling broken, bruised and sometimes shattered
Blow out the candles on the cake
吹熄蠟燭 許個願
Like everything's a big mistake
就當一切都是個錯誤 不必垂憐

It seems you always wait for life to happen
And your last buck can't buy a lucky break
最後孤注一擲 結果又是失誤
If all we've got is us then life's worth living
And if you're in, you know I'm in
你懂了嗎? 至少我很明白
I'm ready and I'm willing
我準備好了 躍躍欲試
I am
When you think that no one needs you, sees you or believes you
當你覺得不被需要 不被看護 不被相信時
No one's there to understand
除了我 沒有人能夠了解
I am
I'll be there to be that someone
When you think that no one is there to hold your hand
I am

We're just who we are, there's no pretending
我們就是我們 無須掩飾
It takes a while to learn to live in your own skin
人都需要一點時間 才能活出自己的故事
Say a prayer that we might find our happy ending
And if you're in you know I'm in
你懂了嗎? 至少我很明白
I'm ready and I'm willing
我準備好了 躍躍欲試

I am
When you think that no one needs you, sees you or believes you
當你覺得不被需要 不被看護 不被相信時
No one's there to understand
除了我 沒有人可以了解
I am
I'll be there to be that someone
When you think that no one is there to hold your hand
I am
I ain't got no halo hanging over my head
我不會跟你囉囉唆唆 廢話太多
I ain't gonna judge you, I'm just here to love you
我不會去批評你 我只會好好愛你
I am, I am
那就是我 就是我

I am
When you think that no one needs you, sees you or believes you
當你覺得不被需要 不被看護 不被相信時
No one's there to understand
除了我 沒有人能夠了解
I am
I'll be there to be that someone
When you think that no one is there to hold your hand
I am
When you think that no one needs you, sees you or believes you
當你覺得不被需要 不被看護 不被相信時
No one's there to understand
除了我 沒有人能夠了解
I am
I'll be there to be that someone
When you think that no one is there to hold your hand
I am
I am
I am